lunedì 11 febbraio 2019
sabato 2 febbraio 2019
La chiesa si trova all'incrocio tra via Carlo Mayr e via Formignana.
di culto deve il suo nome a un'antica immagine della Madonna dipinta
sulla torre di una delle porte della città di Ferrara, la Porta di Sotto
o Porta del Borgo d Sotto ( o inferiore). Tale costruzione, documentata
fin dal 1240, si trovava proprio in fondo all'attuale via Carlo Mayr,
di fianco alla chiesa della Madonnina.
A causa dei danni provocati dal terremoto del 2012, la chiesa è chiusa al pubblico.
A causa dei danni provocati dal terremoto del 2012, la chiesa è chiusa al pubblico.
Per saperne di più:
The church is located at the intersection of Via Carlo Mayr and Via Formignana.
The building of the cult owes its name to an ancient image of the Madonna painted on the tower of one of the gates of the city of Ferrara, the Porta di Sotto or Porta del Borgo di Sotto (or lower). This construction, documented since 1240, was located at the end of the current Via Carlo Mayr, next to the Church of the Madonnina.
Due to the damage caused by the 2012 earthquake, the church is closed to the public.
The church is located at the intersection of Via Carlo Mayr and Via Formignana.
The building of the cult owes its name to an ancient image of the Madonna painted on the tower of one of the gates of the city of Ferrara, the Porta di Sotto or Porta del Borgo di Sotto (or lower). This construction, documented since 1240, was located at the end of the current Via Carlo Mayr, next to the Church of the Madonnina.
Due to the damage caused by the 2012 earthquake, the church is closed to the public.
venerdì 1 febbraio 2019
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Facciata - Via Borgovado |
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Lapidi funerarie (facciata principale) |
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Laterale su Via Scandiana |
Campanile visto dal chiostro |
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Ingresso laterale su Via Scandiana |
la tradizione, già nel VII secolo, abitanti del sito in cui sorgerà la
chiesa cominciarono a venerare un'immagine della vergine posta su un
semplice capitello, e questo diventerà un luogo molto caro alla
popolazione ferrarese. Qualche tempo dopo, ma certamente prima dell'anno
1000, al posto di quel capitello fu costruito un edificio di culto vero
e proprio, sia pure di dimensioni ridotte, con semplice pianta ad aula
e, secondo alcuni studiosi, con fonte battesimale, privilegio questo cui
poteva godere all'epoca soltanto la prima cattedrale di Ferrara
(dedicata a San Giorgio). Però, essendo quest'ultimo ubicato di là del
fiume, risultava piuttosto scomoda per i fedeli del Castrum (cioè della zona attorno a via Porta San Pietro) e del Burgos inferior
(zona sud-est di Ferrara), i quali almeno a partire dal X secolo, è
molto probabile che preferissero esistere alle funzioni liturgiche
presso il nostro piccolo edificio e presso le altre chiese che
cominciavano a sorgere al di qua del Po di Ferrara. La prima
attestazione documentaria della chiesa, denominata inizialmente Santa
Maria Anteriore, risale al 971 e, siccome sorgeva nei pressi di un guado
(da cui "vado") che permetteva l' attraversamento di uno dei numerosi
acquitrini o stagni presenti allora nella zona, almeno a partire dal
1181 cominciò ad essere conosciuto come Santa Maria in Vado. (1)
i fatti straordinari che sarebbero venuti a Ferrara nei secoli riveste
particolare importanza il miracolo eucaristico, nella piccola ma
importante chiesa di Santa Maria Anteriore documentata fin dal 971, in
gran parte demolita in occasione della costruzione nello stesso luogo
dell'attuale basilica rinascimentale di Santa Maria in Vado (a partire
dal 1494-95). Per un certo periodo il piccolo edificio di culto venne
officiato dal Capitolo della Cattedrale come parrocchia succursale,
mentre nel 1115 il vescovo Landolfo la affidò ai canonici regolari
portuensi di Ravenna. Fu proprio durante la gestione spirituale di
questa congregazione che avvenne, secondo la tradizione, il miracolo
eucaristico del 28 marzo 1171. Era il giorno di Pasqua e si stava
celebrando la messa nella piccola chiesa alla presenza del priore Pietro
da Verona, di tre canonici e di numerosi fedeli, quando, al momento
dell'elevazione dell'ostia consacrata e mentre il sacerdote la spezzava,
spruzzi di sangue sgorgarono da essa e andarono a lambire la piccola
volta dell'abside sopra l'altare che ancora oggi riporta tracce
dell'evento. (2)
(1) - Le chiese di Ferrara
Storia, arte e fede
di Giovanni Sassu e Francesco Scafuri
Luoghi, personaggi, curiosità e misteri
di Francesco Scafuri
According to tradition, as early as the seventh century, inhabitants of the site where the church will rise began to venerate an image of the virgin placed on a simple capital, and this will become a place very dear to the population of Ferrara. Some time later, but certainly before the year 1000, in place of that capital a real cult building was built, albeit small in size, with a simple classroom plant and, according to some studious, with a baptismal font, this privilege at that time only the first cathedral of Ferrara (dedicated to St. George) could be enjoyed. However, since the latter was located across the river, it was rather uncomfortable for the faithful of the Castrum (ie the area around via Porta San Pietro) and the Burgos inferior (south-east area of Ferrara), which at least starting from 10th century, it is very probable that they preferred to exist at the liturgical functions at our small building and at the other churches that began to rise on this side of the Po of Ferrara. The first documentary attestation of the church, initially called Santa Maria Anteriore, dates back to 971 and, as it stood near a ford (from which "vado") that allowed the crossing of one of the numerous marshes or ponds present then in the area, at least starting from 1181 he began to be known as Santa Maria in Vado.
Among the extraordinary events that would come to Ferrara over the centuries the Eucharistic miracle is particularly important, in the small but important church of Santa Maria Anterior documented since 971, largely demolished on the occasion of the construction in the same place of the current Renaissance basilica of Santa Maria in Vado (from 1494-95). For a while the small cult building was officiated by the Chapter of the Cathedral as a parish branch, while in 1115 the bishop Landolfo entrusted it to the regular canons of Ravenna. It was during the spiritual management of this congregation that, according to tradition, the eucharistic miracle of 28 March 1171 took place. It was Easter Sunday and mass was celebrated in the small church in the presence of Prior Pietro da Verona, of three canons and of many faithful, when, at the moment of the elevation of the consecrated host and while the priest broke it, blood spurts sprang from it and went to touch the small vault of the apse above the altar that still today traces the event .
According to tradition, as early as the seventh century, inhabitants of the site where the church will rise began to venerate an image of the virgin placed on a simple capital, and this will become a place very dear to the population of Ferrara. Some time later, but certainly before the year 1000, in place of that capital a real cult building was built, albeit small in size, with a simple classroom plant and, according to some studious, with a baptismal font, this privilege at that time only the first cathedral of Ferrara (dedicated to St. George) could be enjoyed. However, since the latter was located across the river, it was rather uncomfortable for the faithful of the Castrum (ie the area around via Porta San Pietro) and the Burgos inferior (south-east area of Ferrara), which at least starting from 10th century, it is very probable that they preferred to exist at the liturgical functions at our small building and at the other churches that began to rise on this side of the Po of Ferrara. The first documentary attestation of the church, initially called Santa Maria Anteriore, dates back to 971 and, as it stood near a ford (from which "vado") that allowed the crossing of one of the numerous marshes or ponds present then in the area, at least starting from 1181 he began to be known as Santa Maria in Vado.
Among the extraordinary events that would come to Ferrara over the centuries the Eucharistic miracle is particularly important, in the small but important church of Santa Maria Anterior documented since 971, largely demolished on the occasion of the construction in the same place of the current Renaissance basilica of Santa Maria in Vado (from 1494-95). For a while the small cult building was officiated by the Chapter of the Cathedral as a parish branch, while in 1115 the bishop Landolfo entrusted it to the regular canons of Ravenna. It was during the spiritual management of this congregation that, according to tradition, the eucharistic miracle of 28 March 1171 took place. It was Easter Sunday and mass was celebrated in the small church in the presence of Prior Pietro da Verona, of three canons and of many faithful, when, at the moment of the elevation of the consecrated host and while the priest broke it, blood spurts sprang from it and went to touch the small vault of the apse above the altar that still today traces the event .
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